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The group takes rides on dragonflies in Wild Beyond the Witchlight

What is Roll20?

Ajax DM hosts our games on Roll20. Roll20 is a website which is known as a “virtual tabletop” for playing online tabletop role-playing games. Roll20 is free to set up an account and play games.

Players can gather in a private game which shows a visual of where their characters are. It could be an image of a city, a regional map, or a gridded “battlemap” you can navigate with “tokens” which represent your character, whether it’s in the Feywild, on the sea, in a dungeon, traversing a jungle, solving mysteries, battling giants, or on the icy plains of Icewind Dale.

Players should register for Roll20 ahead of game time, or when they receive the invitation link to a game.

Once you’ve accepted the game invitation from Ajax DM, you can navigate to the game’s landing page. There, you’ll see the next game date and time (in your local time zone), a description of the game, as well as a Campaign Forum with announcements, like current Character Level, or information on Character Guidelines for setting up your character.

Launch the game, and give your browser permission for audio if you’d like to hear game sounds. Sometimes it takes a few moments for the game to fully load, so we recommend that you open the game prior to game-time.

Roll20 recommends Chrome or Firefox browsers for best performance.

Join Roll20 here.

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