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Wild Beyond the Witchlight


A wickedly whimsical adventure

Once every eight years, the fantastic Witchlight Carnival touches down on your world, bringing joy to one settlement after the next. Its owners, Mister Witch and Mister Light, know how to put on a good show. But there’s more to this magical extravaganza than meets the eye!

The carnival is a gateway to a fantastic Feywild domain unlike anything found on the Material Plane. Time has not been kind to this realm, however, and dark days lie ahead unless someone can thwart the dastardly schemes of the Hourglass Coven.

This adventure advances characters from levels 1–8.

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This adventure uses the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition ruleset.  New players, or experienced players coming back to D&D, can download a free copy of the Basic Rules to get started, or purchase the 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons Player’s Handbook.

This article is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Dylan

    Recently joined up in this campaign. I was curious how it’d go and was in the mood for something different. The very first thing that happened after my character met up with the others (I joined a campaign approximately halfway through) we were able to avoid a fight in the most ridiculously funny, but sensible way for the strange rules of the Feywild. I’ve already in one session felt the good tense feeling of the fun danger of DND, laughed SO HARD, and our party has a lot of freedom for how to accomplish our objectives. I highly recommend all giving this module a try with AjaxDM.

  2. unicornwriter12

    Just finished this campaign. It was a blast from start to finish. Allison gave us so much free reign to do what we wanted during the entire thing. We managed to do things I never expected, and all of our characters, from the more INT based, to WIS based to my brawny paladin all managed to contribute. I highly recommend this campaign for anyone to play with Allison. It’s that good.

  3. David Currie

    We just finished this fun campaign. This was definitely different to a lot of DnD adventures in that combat tended to be the last resort – we were normally able to find an elaborate and ridiculous way to overcome obstacles without resorting to drawing swords. Our most effective strategy was to run away from danger, often whilst causing chaos in our wake. I’m sure we didn’t see everything the Feywild had to offer, but everything we saw was fun – and, naturally, we had righted (most) wrongs by the campaign’s conclusion. Give this a try if you’re after something different.

  4. Kazimir

    Absolutely the best adventure from WotC, and AjaxDM runs it beautifully. Have never played a game quite like this, from the wacky parameters of the Feywild to the shenanigans of our characters to the voices and presence of AjaxDM.

    Long live the Witchlight Monarch!

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