You are currently viewing Pit of the Dust Goblins

Pit of the Dust Goblins

In “Pit of the Dust Goblins,” journey into the Wasted West and save a village from Old God-worshiping goblins. This dungeon requires stealth, clever tactics, and manipulation of different factions to ensure survival.

About the Game – Pit of the Dust Goblins

⚔️ Save the townspeople
🪤 Is it a trap?
5️⃣ 5th Level one-shot

This is a paid one-shot adventure (a stand-alone game) so there’s no Session 0 or game prep session, but we will cover safety tools. This one session adventure is for characters at Level 5.
Pre-generated characters using races, classes and spells from Tome of Heroes are available
Hosted on Roll20. Audio on Discord.
Experienced or new players welcome.

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Want to play this Dungeons & Dragons adventure? See the campaign links below or Message us with your interest. Share it with your friends by selecting the social sharing buttons below.

Current Campaign(s)

Completed Campaign(s)

  • Kobold Chronicles – September 2022

This adventure uses the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition ruleset.  New players, or experienced players coming back to D&D, can download a free copy of the Basic Rules to get started, or purchase the 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons Player’s Handbook.

Not approved/endorsed by Open Design LLC or Kobold Press. Portions of the materials used are property of Kobold Press..

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