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Lost Things

Like a half-forgotten dream, the Witchlight Carnival drifts into our world once every eight years, drawing folk of all ages to delight in its fey wonders. Entry without a ticket is strictly forbidden, and the consequences for trespass echo through time.

This prelude adventure develops the Lost Things story hook for The Wild Beyond the Witchlight campaign. The characters visit the Witchlight Carnival as kids and each have something stolen from them. After playing through this adventure , the players receive guidance on which class to adopt when they grow up.

A two-hour one-shot prelude adventure to The Wild Beyond the Witchlight. Though you don’t have to play Wild Beyond the Witchlight to enjoy this one-shot game session having fun at a carnival as a child. This adventure is also wonderful for new players who don’t know what kind of character they would want to play, as it will point you to the activities you enjoyed doing during the session and suggest a character class to complement your preferences.

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